Diary review:

El dorado OG 2

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Diary review: El dorado OG 2

Welcome to this first Diary Review!
Let start with this El Dorado OG from Paradise Seeds that grew in the Arcade Grow Box!
It mostly grew in a 60x60x80cm space.
Final yield was around 90g with a nice 45g bonus thanks to its clones.
This plant only received low stress training, with a little twist, it's actually planted from the side of the pot.
So basically the idea was to have it start horizontally, and then bend it around the pot to have a nice circle.
That was a fun experiment, will probably try it again, but with topping early on.

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 Blooming: week 2 day 1

Early bud development

Grow log

Early bud development

It's starting to look like weeeed:)

And it also starts smelling good:)

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Was dry: NO With nutes: YES
Water quantity 1.75 L
PH 6.8
EC 900
 Blooming: week 2 day 5


Was dry: NO With nutes: YES
Water quantity 1.75 L
PH 6.5
EC 1400


Grow log


Looking good, don't forget to remove a few leaves here and there if needed, you want those bud sites well exposed to the light! 💡

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 Blooming: week 3 day 1


Was dry: NO With nutes: YES
Water quantity 2 L
PH 6.5
EC 1200


Grow log


So now the bloom stretch should be totally over.

The plant will not grow any higher, so it's all on the bud development now.

Only thing you need to do is make sure you water on time and remove the leaves blocking the light.

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 Blooming: week 3 day 3

And now you wait

Grow log

And now you wait

The most important thing to keep an eye on during this phase is the color of the leaves.

As the plant grows bigger and has more bud volume, it will consume more nutrients.

So the best way to keep your plant at the right level is to check it's color. If it's fading towards the yellow, it means you need to add more nutrients in your next watering.

Always make sure your PH is right! Even at the right nutrient level, if the PH is wrong, the plant will not be able to take it from the soil!

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That's why timelapse camera can be very useful, we can clearly see the leaves drooping down as the soil dries.

Also notice how the plant stops falling down when the lights turn off.

That's a cool trick if you can't be home on time for a watering. Just turn the lights off or very dimmed remotely, that will give you a few precious hours.

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 Blooming: week 3 day 4

Drooping leaves = thirsty

Grow log

Drooping leaves = thirsty

Alright it's a bit thirsty^^ No worries it's going to recover without any issues.

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Was dry: NO With nutes: YES
Water quantity 2 L
PH 6.5
EC 1000

Blooming defoliation


Blooming defoliation

Ok so now that our plant is done with its bloom stretch and we can clearly see where the future buds will be, let's have a defoliation session!

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 Blooming: week 3 day 5


Grow log


All good 👌

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 Blooming: week 3 day 6

Blooming quietly


Blooming quietly

As you can see a plant just stop dancing during its blooming phase.

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 Blooming: week 3 day 7


Was dry: YES With nutes: YES
Water quantity 2 L
PH 6.5
EC 1000


 Blooming: week 4 day 1


Grow log


Yeah a blooming plant will drink a lot more. Make sure you're on time. Or setup auto-watering!

That's a also a good reason to always take the biggest pot you can, you can always just fold the edges down if it's too high.

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Diary review: El dorado OG 2 - part 6

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